Air Envoy Maintenance Hangar – Springfield, MO
Design & Fabrication, Unloading, Door Installation, Electrical Installation, Owner Training
Design & Fabrication, Unloading, Door Installation, Electrical Installation, Owner Training
This is a 60,000 sqft aircraft hangar for Air Envoy, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Airlines. Labeled as a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) hangar, it can fit up to three Embraer E175 aircraft and cost approximately $11 million to build.
The Air Envoy Maintenance Hanger has a Bi-Parting Door Configuration
AeroDoor were awarded the design, fabrication and installation of the hangar door for a 215ft wide x 35ft high clear opening. The horizontal rolling door moves in a biparting configuration, and consists of 8 leaves on 4 rails. The door was designed with 22-inches of live load deflection above the door opening.
The hangar door has a 2-wire sensing edge system from the top to the bottom of each leading edge door leaf. This sensing edge will send a signal to the motor on the door and bring it to a sudden stop. Safety edges are becoming more popular because they offer a better level of protection against accidents.
AeroDoor split the door installation into 4 mobilizations. The first trip to Missouri was the leveling angle and bottom rails. The second trip was the top track, door leaves and soffit closure plate. The third was the weatherseal, door motors and electrical components. The final trip was for owner training and presentation of the door.
This door will be warranted for up to five years and the client has the option of lifetime service by AeroDoor.