175,000 sqft MRO Hangar, Pensacola Florida
Design & Fabrication, Unloading, Door Installation, Electrical Installation, Owner Training
Design & Fabrication, Unloading, Door Installation, Electrical Installation, Owner Training
This new 175,000 sqft aircraft hangar facility has it all. A 600ft wide dual bay floating hangar door and two tail doors, office space, workshops, parts and storage mezzanines.
Located at the Pensacola International Airport in Floridas panhandle region, this 2-year project took place in the middle of a covid pandemic. Covid restrictions, rising costs , multiple supply chain issues and a record number of people leaving the US labor market, all tested AeroDoors ability to fulfill a manufacturing and installation contract of this scale while also maintaining other hangar door contracts in other areas of the country.
But AeroDoor were determined to get this project over the line and over the line we did.
This door is 600’ wide x 60ft tall. Each door leaf has its own control panel and motor operator.
5-Year structural and workmanship.
5-Year electrical.
Owner training by AeroDoor in the company of General Contractor and Client.